Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Adult Hearing Range

Human being can hear from 20Hz to 20,000Hz of audible frequency sounds. However, most adults lose their sensitivity to sounds of 15000+Hz range. This article mentions about an interesting use of this fact to keep children and young people away from certain places.


Also, go to the following site to test how much of hearing ability you have lost. I tested on myself and found that cannot hear 16000Hz onwards -


So what was your hearing abllity?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Remote Desktop Problem with Win2K3

For a long time I had been trying to figure out a way to connect to the Win2003 server machine's console session using Remote Desktop client on my WinXP client machine. This was not apparent from any settings on the client or the server side. I was thinking of asking Leo Laporte whose podcast I listen to regularly.

Finally today after some agressive searching I found the solution by Googling for "Win2K3 Remote Desktop Console". The solution was to use the switch "/console" with the binary that runs as the Remote Desktop client.

So I modified the Windows Desktop Client shortcut that appears on "Start menu->Programs->accessories->Communications->Remote Desktop Client" by suffixing a /console after the binary path. Another way was to launch from the command line using "%SystemRoot%\system32\mstsc.exe /console /v:".

So this resolves my problem. Many thanks to the guy who blogged this on the net, dont remember his name though.